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Best Forex Trading Platform

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In today’s interconnected world, the foreign exchange market plays an important role in daily business. It’s a global, decentralized environment where financial institutions and businesses can trade currencies.

According to research from the Bank for International Settlements, foreign exchange trading generates an estimated $5.3 trillion daily - making it larger than other financial markets. Often, it’s dominated by large international banks and corporations, which work around the clock to trade and convert international currencies. 

Forex trading also underpins international trade and investments. For instance, if American companies want to import goods from a country in Europe, they’ll most likely need to complete transactions in euros. Through forex, these firms can exchange dollars for euros quickly and easily.

As well as enabling trade between countries, forex trading is a lucrative investment opportunity. Every day, companies and investors make billions by purchasing and trading currencies. However, it does take a significant amount of experience and skills to make lucrative forex trades.

That’s where forex trading software comes into the picture, automating this common business practice. Essentially, it ploughs through the market for the best currency trading opportunities. And in this article, we’ve picked out the best forex trading apps around.

1. Forex Time FXTM

When choosing any financial management platform, it’s important to look for trustworthy providers. Used by traders in more than 180 countries and fully regulated, ForexTime’s FXTM software is a safe bet for foreign exchange trading. It’s positioned as an automated currency broker.

2. Netdania

When it comes to making profitable forex trades, it’s important to get an understanding of the current market. Netdania aims to do just that by providing you with trading ideas and strategies. The app also compiles data from more than 20,000 financial instruments and thousands of real-time stocks. 

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