Bitcoin News Trending 2019

There are still many people who have not received Bitcoin as a valid payment instrument.
Total circulation and companies / organizations that receive Bitcoin are still relatively small
The Bitcoin app is still in beta phase so there are many features that are under development and not yet usable.
How to Get Bitcoin
There are two ways to get Bitcoin legally, first by buying from an authorized exchanger. Second by following Bitcoin mining. If you want a quick and easy, choose the first method. Because the second way requires a sophisticated computer called Application-Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) and the procedure is not easy.
Bitcoin in Indonesia
Bitcoin since several years ago has penetrated Indonesia, although its utilization is still very limited. This condition is influenced by the statement of the highest financial authority in the homeland, Bank Indonesia which prohibits the use of Bitcoin. The study of how the use of Bitcoin in Indonesia itself is still carried out although it seems to take a long time.
Responding to the ban, Oscar Darmawan of Bitcoin Indonesia, judged it to be inappropriate because they think Bitcoin is not a currency as regulated by the law. Bitcoin is more of a transfer medium when used for transactions.
In Indonesia itself according to Bitdoku founder Tiyo Triyanto the number of bitcoin usage continues to grow every year.
"The amount of bitcoin circulation in one har check here pleas
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